Use the following tips for this: Make lines no Phone Number List longer Phone Number List than 12 to 16 words. If the lines are too wide, it is visually more difficult for readers to skip to the beginning of the next line. If your lines are too short, you interrupt the reading rhythm, your Phone Number List reader has to change lines too often. Also make your sentences no longer than 15 to 20 words and vary in sentence length. This keeps your text manageable for readers. Avoid passive language. All sentence Phone Number List constructions with 'will,' 'will', 'can' or 'become' can generally be formulated much shorter. Use subheadings and keep your paragraphs nice and short.

Nobody wants to read whole pieces of Phone Number List text, make it visually lighter by using a lot of white space. It sounds so simple, but get to know your target audience and think about what you have to offer them. So reverse the perspective from 'we offer Phone Number List product x' to 'you can expect us to. If the lines are too wide, it will be visually more difficult for readers to skip to the beginning of the next line. If your lines are too short, you interrupt the reading rhythm, your reader Phone Number List has to change lines too often.

Make it attractive You want your visitors Phone Number List to get excited after reading your text. In fact, after reading your text, the visitor should convert. In fact, while reading, the reader goes through a customer journey in itself. The added value of your text So write a Phone Number List captivating title that grabs the reader's attention. Then put yourself in the shoes of your reader. What questions or problems does he or she have? Mention these at the beginning of your text. This is Phone Number List how you create a connection.